Friday, July 9, 2010

My First Post

H i everyone I'm olita. You can call me 'Lita since that's what my new family calls me most of the time and my old family did the same. I came to this family wednesday July 7 with my brother Dutchy (or dutch) and we live in a home with 5 people, 2 cats and now inculding dutchy and me 5 dogs.

pet roll call

Maxwell(Max): mutt-- ha ha No he's a mix breed of Chiahuahua, Poodle, Jack Russle, and Rat Terrier... a.k.a a Maxwell Terrier. All black with some white on his chest and back paws and starting to get some on his tummy. I hear he just turned 2. He's really playful but a total mama's boy

Pheobee(pheebs): pug-- fawn colored. she's 5 and super laid back but has her hyper moments... like if you say 1 of the 3 magic words... i'll get to those words later

Kizzy(kizz): pug-- black(if you get the referance don't judge) she's 4 and hyper and loves playing with max. She can be loud sometimes and is an atention hog I feel bad for her cuz she's always being yelled at for ruining the ending of a show(makes me giggle though cuz she can't stand reruns)

Dutchy(Dutch or dutch boy): pug-- fawn (like pheobee). He's my brother and loves to play with me. Our new family says he's turning into a girl today(don't quite know what they mean but I'll find out sooner or later... or bug him when he get's back). He tell's me all the time he does't wanna lose me like we lost the rest of the litter when my old family brought us home. I can only imagin how he feels so far from home and me.

Olita('Lita): pug-- brindel(I look like a tiger). I love to play with my brother. I have a breathing problem and my new family is worried about me cuz they don't know if I'm ok or if they need to get me a special surgry to make me breath better. I've been told that just like Kizzy I'm an atention hog(i don't see it though)

Toonsis: cat-- She has cat-a-tude able to stand up to us dogs like nobodies bizzness. No dog has ever been able to chase her... so max, kizzy, and pheobe tell us

Molly: cat-- she's shy since toonsis never taught her to stand up to us dogs... she sits outside and waits for the sign of no dogs if she's spotted the other dogs have given me and Dutchy permission to chase her... sounds fun but mean

sorry there aren't pix yet i just came and haven't gotten any yet... hang in there I'll get you some

1 comment:

  1. Olita,
    I really enjoyed reading about your family and I am looking forward to seeing pictures. How great that you are learning how to blog. You are so smart. Can't wait for your next post.
    Keep up the good work.
